Sunday, January 05, 2014

Eshton’s Twins Storm the UK


Dear Readers,

“Kindred spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world.”   -    Anne of Green Gables


This past year Abby and I have become such good friends.  It has been a very long time since I have come across a person with so much love, understanding, compassion and patience toward people.  Nobody’s perfect mind you, but people like Abby make the world a brighter place.     

aaaEshtonThose of you familiar with the novel Jane Eyre, will recognize the expression “Eshton’s Twins”.  While I, as Eshton puts it, “don’t think it possible that two minds can be so in tune that they communicate across the country and call out to each other across space and time”, I do believe that two people can form a such a bond that they share thoughts, feelings and ideas with just one look.  It’s that sort of connection I find with my new dear friend.  I know the feeling is mutual which makes it even more precious.

What a grand thing to have a “kindred spirit” with you on such an Epic Adventure!  It’s with this sentiment we name ourselves Eshton’s Twins for Story we are about to share.  We invite you to experience our “Jolly Holiday” through our eyes.

This is all in fun, we don’t take ourselves too seriously, but share this experience with you in the spirit of wishing you all could have been there with us.