Thursday, October 05, 2017

No Longer MIA

Hello to whoever is still around to read my mind doodles.

I’ve been missing from here for a few years.  A lot has happened.  Mostly health issues. 

Since my last post I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  Survived surgery as well is 6 weeks of Radiation Therapy.  breast cancer nailsThis month is Breast Cancer Awareness month so I’m going to get on my soapbox for a moment and encourage all of my fellow females to get a yearly mammogram.  I’ve been faithful since I turned 40 and if it wasn’t for that, they would not have caught mine early.  You DON’T want to find out too late.  Yes, mammos are uncomfortable for all of us and downright painful for some of us.  But what is your life worth?  OK, so every October and May I will be nagging all of you to get your yearly mammogram!  Off the soapbox now.


diabetes_support_ribbon_by_lolaistoocoolforyou-da8b47wI was also diagnosed with Diabetes and Neuropathy (usually related to each other but not in my case).  November is Diabetes Awareness month to watch for more on this subject then.

My latest pain is Depression.  72093682.1Hmmm…I wonder why?  It’s not a stretch really.  It’s been a long three years.

But here’s the good news.  I’m two years cancer free.  My A1C is normal and the depression has lifted.  It’s been a long road but I’m ready to share it with you.  Stay tuned for updates on my success story.